Children and Parents
Privacy Policy for Children and Parents
Lonra Limited Company ( (henceforward will be mentioned as ““), is registered to the address “1 Kingswood Close, N20 9PX, London, United Kingdom” and is responsible party corresponding to the UK Data Protection Act (1984 and 1998). To protect the privacy of our users and to use the information that we receive from them within the frame of care and respect is among our missions. Privacy policy explains how we receive information from users, what we are going to do with this information and limited intervention of the third parties. As a general principle, we do not get unnecessary information; we just need the information to participate in the activities on our website.
It is suggested that parents should give information to their children about Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and explain what these two terms mean.
We will give information to the children that they have to get permission from a parent or legal guardian if they were under the age of 13 and trying to register with personal information.
Privacy Policy for Non-members
In many parts of our website, membership registration and any personal information about our users is not needed. For further details, you can have a look at our Privacy Policy.
www.gamerowls.comwill do its best to protect our websites as a safe and fun place and will continuously make efforts to improve the safety of our websites. We will always monitor our websites so as to prevent and delete any inappropriate language and content. We cannot make a promise that some information and messages do not contain inappropriate content.
In order to control the visibility of personal data we suggest that our users should use privacy settings. It important not to share your personal data with people you do not know closely. People that you are talking can be using a fake id. Therefore, you should always be careful while sharing your information with others. Don’t get people’s personal data without their permission. When you realize something that discomforts you, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Everybody violating our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use will be fired from the website without delay.
Please don’t forget: Never share your contact information (email, telephone number, home address etc.) with people that you don’t know closely. Contact Information
Whenever you need more support, please send us an email that contains your questions and comments. Our email address is